Wednesday, December 8, 2010

19 Rants & Counting

Please indulge me for a minute while I bask in self-pity.
I HATE getting dressed in the mornings now. I understand that as a growing woman I will at some point develop curves and will no longer have the boyish lanky body that clothes just hang from that I once had. I understand that I am still at a healthy body weight and I should not expect to be a size 0-1 my whole life... but you know what friends? This SUCKS. It seems that every day less and less in my closet fits my body. Nothing seems to look as good as it once did. I have to completely change the way I dress and put together outfits to reflect my new size and there isn't much I can experiment with at my disposal right now. I have a total of 2 pairs of dress pants that fit - both black - and one pair of jeans that do not give me severe muffin top. The majority of the tops in my closet are form fitting and make me feel blah.

*siiigh* rant, rant, rant... that's all I do it seems.
But I DO have an outfit post for you all. I'll be honest though, I didn't wear it to work. It made me feel... bulgy? I dunno, somethign was off, and when you feel icky all you want to wear are uber comfy clothes, so I opted instead for a long cardigan and my black skinnies for the millionth time.

More truth train: I'm definitely going shopping tonight after work for myself. It HAS technically been 30 days, and that always seems to lift my funky mood.


  1. Well if it makes you feel any better I still think you look fabulous!
    That skirt is soo lovely...and you're totally rocking the socks with heels look!

  2. Great look, love that hat! and give yourself a break!! You look great!!

  3. I Love that skirt ! I know how you feel about getting curves. I was once a size 1/2 and had a ton of great clothes that no longer fit. I am now a size 4/6. I also just lost a ton of wight for no apparent reason and now I am at a size 3 argh..... So actually none of my clothes fit me correctly right now. I am still buying size 6 because this new found weight loss will not last. The new sequin skirt that I bought in a size 6 just hangs off me strangely so hopefully during or after the holidays it will fit correctly. It will get better, just takes time to build the closet back up. It will be fun buying new stuff though. Sorry for the long drawn out comment.
    PS. sizing is also a reason I Love shoes so much. Shoe size usually stays the same in most cases. lol.

  4. such a pretty skirt!

  5. Oh Hun! Give yourself a break. The 30/30 isn't to force you into clothes that no longer fit. Go shopping. Find some clothes that bring out your inner Va-va-voom (like that skirt) that fit and flatter you. You look fabulous, dear, and don't forget it. Just because the number or letter on a piece of clothing tag changes doesn't mean you are any less fabulous.

  6. You still look pretty fab! You're all legs in that outfit!

  7. The skirt is terrific. Sorry about the troubles with things not fitting well. At some point, your body will stop changing and you can adjust your wardrobe to it.

  8. Bulgy? Where? I am in love with this skirt and I think you should have worn it out because you are looking sio chic in that outfit!

    p.s. my zip keeps going down, I don't think my pants are fitting right these days either!

  9. I know that feeling, and it's a tough one to get through. You're gorgeous, even if you're not feeling that about yourself right now.

    That skirt, by the way, is amazing. I love the fullness to it, and that you paired it with socks and heels.

  10. lol go shopping! i can't believe you went 30 days wow that is very impressive. and can't tell at all that your body is changing in these pictures at all

  11. You look beautiful! It sucks when clothes don't fit anymore but it can always be a good excuse to thin out your closet and SHOP!

    It's nice that you have a very woman-like figure. I would kill to have boobs. Be proud :) you are far from bulgy, you have a beautiful healthy and still small hour-glass shape.


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