Thursday, May 17, 2012

Must Read: a Beginner's Guide to Posing like a Fashion Blogger

I'm sure this has already been re-posted a million times right now, but it caused me to actually LOL at my desk this morning. 

Here's a sneak peek at his genius... 
"The Agony"

And the funny thing is we really DO look this awkward.... at least I do! 


  1. Nice pics ! I love them :) Kiss x

  2. Well, I have not seen them.... !
    I am going to head over to laugh a little.

  3. Hahah going to have to read this- love the tilt (I've done that too, what were we thinking?) PS can't believe you speak En, Fr, Sp & It- so impressive!

  4. Too funny!! I recognize myself in some and bloggers I follow in most of the rest!

  5. This one can be simple and when we think about I know that all of those Men Slim Black Trench Coat will be my last choice!


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